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Location: Ontario, Canada

November 11, 2006

Lily whites and muppet teeth.

its 8am i slept in. i have to leave for work in half an hour, pack thing for random goings on tonight and decide what to wear work tomorrow. my eyes are still half closed, my mouth is dry and i woke up from another dream that has me totally freaked out.
i was with my mother and of course as if i don't think about it enough, she was dying. only i could n't tell if she was faking it. she kept telling me through tubes in her face to kill her. she spelled it out for me. i thought and thought, i was the only one in this bright sunshiney room, then she said, i just don't want to go to work.
i thought is this a joke? you want me to go lights out because you don't want to go to work? but then, she gets up and pops chemo that comes in convenient foil form like any old birth control, gets dressed and goes to the hospital to don her compassionate nurse face. i'm filled with confusion and rage, what if i pushed that button you asshole. put me through that for nothing? get up. she worked through her sickness in oahu.flip to a scene where i'm with friends in an old appartment, (actually the same appartment i was in when they were in hawaii). i'm sitting in an orange chair and all of a sudden those chemo tablets are in my hands, and i just start taking them, one after the other not one a week or one a day, just pop. pop. pop...
kel whatare you doing?? they get slammed out of my hands and mashed out of my mouth like a dog who's in the process of swallowing poison. big warm now drooly hands trying to tell empty eyes what was wrong with this. the reasoning in my mind was hey, i'm just being preventative here, or hmm..maybe this will bring me closer.
end with a scene that has a fozzy bear look alike with floppy teeth singing that song that goes " it mee you're looking for...". he's in the back of a station wagon looking out, the trunk is flipped up, but just the glass, not the whole door. he's got a massive white lily in his hands and he's sad. he's nobly singing his tribute to a loved one, then i see another muppet, this one a panda chowing down on puppet bamboo..they're all singing the same song, it continued with the screen change...i woke up and came here.
the lights are off, my dad just woke up, dax chewed my foot and jumped on me. i'm covered in icky icky dream residue. i just shoved her off. get away from me. everybody.
i have 20 minutes to get out the door.
there must be a solution.


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