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Location: Ontario, Canada

November 13, 2006

For Hair Loveliness

Foggy all the way home, it's been a pretty cold, damp, misty day.
I just used the best conditioner ever from a visual standpoint. Herbal essences has a new line out in pretty periwinkle plastic packaging. The conditioner itself shares the same hue. It smells incredible in its opaque goodness but feels like you're about to smear bleach all through your hair without gloves, the kind of thick peroxide only a professional should stripe their beard hair with.
Coco-Mango and Pearls.
Pearls. Reminds me that we all have some shade of cocktail dress in vegas and that its imperative and perfectly acceptable to accept that we learn from previous actions and our reactions. It makes our more flowy choices feel rooted and true. i try to hold on to the fact that smart and unsmart work in even cycles and keep an equal pace on both. smrt.

I got handed a stack of new designer applications at work today which means I just got a raise if I can manage to establish a rapport and keep communications going. I have faith. which is how i'm planning on pulling a reiki master degree out of my ass in the new year. The network is there, i just have to reach for it. like any project, starting is the hardest part. actually in this case it feels like completing it has been, but then what is complete really. there's always room for interpretation,
and i'd rather not start that now, i'll analyze it forever.
I picked up the new W I R E D magazine. I'm gonna go read about the new Atheism. No heaven. No hell. Just science...and pin curls. We'll see how the world is with all of this loveliness tomorrow.


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