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Location: Ontario, Canada

January 17, 2007

passion, to me tonight feels left behind. i'm drained from the dreaming but its all in the breath i'm sure. breathing patterns and yoga, sharing it with someone intimately, exchanging words, promoting circulation, breathing means you're alive. stop breathing and your heart will only beat for so much longer.

my whole grain heating pad is in the microwave and in three minutes it will be on my lap like a cat i'm not allergic to. i'm not cold, it just feels good. a friend of mine has an interview at my place of employment, i figured i'd pass on a resume and return the favour. wish me luck at my second interview if and when i find out about it. i went to visit some friends of mine for the second night this week. they live ten minutes away from me and have a 5 month old offspring who is most fun to squish. however, its the mix of this new life carried by the adult conversation that appeals to me. the kind of adult conversation that finds itself humming quiet riot and the retro remake from donnie darko to soothe the baby to sleep. the stuff that makes "serious" feel normal and funny in a superman t-shirt as opposed to neurotic and over-focused in a suit. i'm discovering that there is a time when you have to become your own role model and start to filter the friends and partners that influence your life. the book of min believes that love is not just about staring at each other, but about facing the same direction. although it fails to mention motion and the survival guide of individual pace, i'm with you all the way.


Blogger Matthew Pazzol said...

Sometimes I like to think that love is mostly about facing yourself.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Datura said...

please take out your #2 pencils, you may

9:31 PM  
Blogger min_o said...

loving (and knowing) yourself allows you to love and know another with full consciousness methinks.

12:43 PM  

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